Demokracie a individuace ve věku konspiračních teorií Články a rozhovory

Svet visí na tenkej niti a tou niťou je ľudská psychika, preto je nad všetko ostatné nutné sa ňou neustále zaoberať.“[1] C.G. Jung

Svet dnešných čias mení svoju tvár rýchlym tempom a pokiaľ sa  človek nechce uspokojiť s polohou pasívne prežívajúceho a snaží sa  porozumieť súčasnému dianiu, potom stojí pred náročnou úlohou. Tejto úlohy  so vo svojom výbere esejí  zhostil jungovský analytik Vlado Šolc.  Vlado Šolc  pôvodom zo Slovenska si našiel svoj nový domov v USA. Detstvo prežil na východnom Slovensku a slovanská vrelosť, otvorenosť a nepredpojatosť sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou jeho naturelu. Cítiť to aj v otvorenosti voči rôznorodosti tém nad ktorými sa zamýšľa.  Vyštudoval psychológiu na Karlovej univerzite v Prahe a akreditované vzdelanie v analytickej psychológii zavŕšil v USA. V súčasnosti pôsobí  ako diplomovaný jungovský analytik vo Wisconsine.  Odborne pôsobí aj ako supervízor, konzultant, lektor a je autorom viacerých hĺbinne psychologicky orientovaných kníh, väčšina z nich vyšla aj na Slovensku. V jednom zo svojich rozhovorov tvrdí že si ho „Jung našiel“  a tak  spolu s ním optikou  jungovskej psychológie nám vo svojej knihe odkrýva tajomstvá nevedomých hybných síl vzpínajúcich sa  v duši človeka.  Rozkročený medzi dvoma kontinentmi –  vybavený  jedinečným  spôsobom k  reflektovaniu znepokojivých udalostí, ktoré hýbu svetom, pobáda čitateľa k hlbšiemu zamysleniu sa nad zákonitosťami nevedomých procesov v psyché. Síl, ktoré si nachádzajú svoje vyjadrenie aj na úrovni celospoločenských hnutí, akými sú napríklad konšpiračné teórie a fenomén fundamentalizmu. Šolc prichádza s optimistickým východiskom z bludného labyrintu – prijatie a integrovanie vlastného „tieňa“  poskytuje jedinečnú šancu .  „Šancu ubrániť sa mase má výhradne ten, kto je vnútorne organizovaný aspoň do takej miery nakoľko je organizovaná masa samotná.“  Zaujímavá je jeho ponímanie  paralely medzi vývojových krokmi na osobnej  úrovni  a   autokratickým a demokratickým režimom na kolektívnej úrovni.

     Premýšľavého čitateľa zbierka Šolcových esejí iste uspokojí.
C.G. Jung- jeden z najzaujímavejších a najvplyvnejších mysliteľov 20 storočia – švajčiarsky lekár, psychiater, zakladateľ hlbinnej psychológie. Svojim obrovským záberom vzdelania v oblasti histórie, filozofie, svetových náboženstiev, mytológie, ľudového folklóru  sa zaradil k renesančným vzdelancom. Základnou platformou jeho odborných téz bola klasická psychoanalýza, ktorú však po tom ako formuloval koncept kolektívneho nevedomia opustil a rozšíril koncept osobného nevedomia o kolektívny a duchovný rozmer. Komplexnosť Jungovho diela je zarážajúca a disponuje interdisciplinárnym presahom. Jungove myšlienky svojim inovatívnym  potenciálom boli a sú lákavou alternatívou voči redukcionistickým konceptom. Až do neskorého veku bol Jung neúnavným pozorovateľom zákonitostí ľudskej psychiky. Jeho dielo nás udivuje svojou komplexnosťou, integritou, rozsahom a hĺbkou.
                       Jana Bryová, 16ho júna, 2020, Poprad
[1] "A Matter of Heart" Interview s Carlom Jungom (1986).

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: A God’s or Devil’s gift?

I must emphasize, however, that the grand plan on which the unconscious life of the psyche is constructed is so inaccessible to our understanding that we can never know what evil may not be necessary in order to produce good by enantiodromia, and what good may very possibly lead to evil. Sometimes the probate spiritus recommended by John cannot, with the best will in the world, be anything other than a cautious and patient waiting to see how things will finally turn out.

C. G. Jung, CW9, Part 1

The COVID-19 pandemic has swept the world. And it has caught humanity unprepared despite all past experiences. What is happening to society, to everyone at this special time? “Big questions come from a small virus,” says Vladislav Šolc, a Jungian Analyst living and practicing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eva Bobůrková Interviewed Vlado Šolc.

What are we experiencing today, can you describe it?

About 100 years have passed since the last major pandemic of the so-called Spanish Flu, which broke out in 1918 and claimed 50 million victims worldwide. Despite its disastrous impact, it took the WHO 30 years after that pandemic to establish a coordinated system of prevention and detection of global epidemics. Early intervention apparently prevented major spread of later respiratory epidemics such as Singapore (1957), Hong Kong Flu (1968) and later H1N1 (2009). Coordinated cooperation between governments and non-government organizations has been able to prevent the spread of Ebola, and to significantly mitigate the effects of classic influenza, malaria, or the Zika virus. However, the COVID-19 epidemic shows that mankind is not prepared for a virus that has a relatively long incubation time (5 days – 2 weeks), is highly infectious and shows a low symptom rate of the infected (95%). Again, nature has shown that even a virus whose mortality is – compared to the Black Death plague (1347-1351) which exterminated more than half of Europe’s then population) – is relatively low, yet it can disrupt even stable economies. Only with a few exceptions in the Pacific (Taiwan, New Zealand, or South Korea) the highly developed countries that boast of their advancement of science and technology have been surprised, or we should say humbled. This crisis has shown the importance of preparing for a possible global pandemic and how dangerous it is when science is not taken seriously!  All of a sudden we woke up from big “Hollywood” fantasies of our readiness for biological warfare or alien invasions. Pandemic COVID-19 has brought about an inevitable confrontation with reality.

How do you see this confrontation as a Jungian Analyst?

From a psychological point of view, we are talking about confrontation with the shadow. We can say that the virus itself represents our collective shadow. It was there waiting in “pleroma,” scientists have been warning us about its potential for a long time, but we were paying little attention. Maybe we were even willingly ignoring it. The shadow, or what is part of us, but what we are not aware of, what we do not want to admit, we reject or minimize, does not cease to exist, but it causes unwanted and unexpected changes in our lives. And these have the ability to not only surprise, but also wake us up. The party is over, the waiter has brought a bill. All that what we had neglected and overlooked suddenly is now, in the face of loss and in the face of death so real… The ancient Greeks taught that pride (hubris) is followed by shame (aischyne), an encounter with suffering that naturally splits off the pain to protect ego. Hubris was taught to be punished by Nemesis, the goddess of righteous distribution. The one-sidedness, the adherence to the fantasies that everything is under control is now being quickly compensated by the sobering realization of our limits. SARS-CoV-2 set the mirror to our narcissistic belief that we are the masters of Nature to show us that we are actually a part of it.  Compensation is a natural process purpose of which is to establish equilibrium by supplementing or replacing the loss of opposing energy. We observe it at both the micro and macro levels; for example in the water cycles in nature, or with the immune system, where infection by a pathogen causes a fever and the like. Carl Jung understands compensation as a fundamental tool of psychological growth. Humanity as a whole experiences a phenomenon of compensation, when it has no choice but to react creatively to the new state at the general, objective, level, as well as at the subjective, emotional level. We are willy-nilly forced into introversion – that is, turning our attention inward. For Asian countries, where meditation is part of daily life it is easier than for us westerners.

How does the current situation affect the psyche in general?

Every major loss inevitably brings about confusion, anxiety and dissolution of consciousness, the intensity is distributed over the whole spectrum, depending on the strength of ego organization and social support that he or she has available. Initially, shock ensues when a person loses the ability to think rationally and basically does not feel anything specific, s/he is paralyzed by physical manifestations of panic states, fatigue, loss of appetite, diarrhea. One may experience an emotional flatness, or conversely uncontrollable fluctuations of emotions and sleep problems. When you add a sense of abandonment to physical and social isolation, some people may feel as if their world was falling apart. In this period, we observe a post-traumatic reaction even with some healthy people. Emergency lines are flooded with phone calls from people panicking.

What happens next?

In the next stage, the psyche’s defense system is mobilized and ego-consciousness begins to cope with the startling reality. It is as if the ego sets to create its own, alternative, reality that gives the new experience a new meaning. The first impulse usually goes back to the past, where we have already dealt with something similar, we speak of regression. Often we see denial, rationalization, that is, an expounding without the presence of affect, banalizing, negotiation and other psychological maneuvers designed to avoid stress. But affect cannot be suppressed in the long run without being compensated by unconscious energies. The built-up pressure must be manifested in some way. Thus rage, anger and frustration arise. And anger as a rule seeks an object. One is looking for the culprit “responsible” for the situation by projecting his or her anger outward; at the same time regulating their own confusion to establish a sense of control through the process of projection. Or, conversely, one can turn his anger against him/hers self, which is then manifested as feelings of shame, or even deserved punishment (sinfulness).

Tragedies and disasters are nothing new for humanity..

Yes. Wars, pandemics and famines have been decimating societies since the beginning of the anthropocene era. Great tragedies also gave birth to ideas of divine vengeance. The supernatural beings had their own justice, and thus, to some extent, the weight of human control is removed from their shoulders. You see, the gods or God now holds the scale of judgement in their hands. I do not want to be misunderstood and reduce religious faith as a spiritual process to something merely profane. I am talking here about the process of projection and its return to the self as spiritual process par excellence. Jung calls it individuation. In relation to the supernatural being, humans become self-conscious and a moral mirror is thus established. Individual emotions are differentiated and given a unique, subjective meaning. It is our individual chance to come to terms with the world and its reality.

Now, thanks to coronavirus, more people are asking ontological and existential questions. We are going deeper, the pain is gently turning us into philosophers because we encounter an awe: Who am I? Where am I? What is my quest? Can I be better, should I be better? Many of us wonder if our relationship with Mother Earth can be healthier, holier. We have the opportunity to expand our consciousness, which occurs during tense situations. The Greek word apocalypse means revelation, revealing, uncovering, thus coming the Self into ego-consciousness. Through this process the Self reveals what had been hidden, the dark aspects of the unconscious.

So the parts of the Self are being revealed to us?

If we can look at the new reality with open eyes and accept it, we are actually recollecting ourselves and integrating “dark parts” of the Self into our ego via conscious relation and change of attitude. We are creating a new, more whole view of the world. A new imago dei. We write about this process in depth in our book: Dark Religion, Fundamentalism from the Jungian Perspective.

If we can hold our fears and anxieties present in consciousness, we can develop compassion. We can understand and develop the need to help others, to focus on solutions rather than on worries. We can start acting more rationally, asking ourselves what realistic options we have available, how to utilize positives and the like. If our consciousness embraces reality, reintegrates dark aspects of the Self and creates new meaning we are talking about the spiritual process of transformation. It is the acceptance of the fuller reality and mindful adaptation to it that is the goal of psychotherapy and analysis. If the ego is unable to do so, it can get stuck in primitive escape-fantasies cut-off from reality, then we are talking about lingering in a regression state. At the broader, social level, this is reflected in an increase in fundamentalistic, “apotropaic” coping approaches that we have termed Dark Religion (theocalypsis). These include calls for mass prayer similar to those in the Middle Ages for the defeat of the virus, the rise of conspiracy theories and other superstitions detached from reality.

President Trump was claiming until recently that covid-19 is a hoax…

Yes, the “hoax devised by the Democrats to deprive him of power.” Unfortunately, many of his followers truly believe this and refuse to follow the protective measures recommendations or orders. Donald Trump called the investigation of the Russian interference into elections a witch hunt, and he succeeded to avoid consequences because he countered every statement by a new lie. Victims of coronavirus cannot be concealed and their loved ones cannot be fooled. Thus, one of the unexpected side effects of a pandemic may be general awakening, sobering from the lies Trump has bet on, lies that have worked for him until recently. The reality of death cannot be avoided, lied away and that is why this pandemic will perhaps contribute to the rise of consciousness.

So are there any possible positive effects of the pandemic?

In the United States, where up to a third of the population deny or dispute science or where third of the population believe in bizarre conspiracy theories, an outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic may re-awaken the importance of science. In a country where a week of treatment on respirator could cost $70,000, the demand for health insurance, paid sick leave, and preventative care will undoubtedly become main topics of the upcoming elections. We began to understand more and more that homelessness is a health risk for the society as a whole.

I believe that many people will try to live more healthy, quit smoking and will cease eating meat. The field ecopsychology, which studies the relationship between humans and environment, will gain even more importance. We will study more in depth the zoonotic diseases and how human activity contributes to them. Questions of income inequality, international cooperation, climate change and the health of our planet in general are becoming the number one topics during the elections.

Plagues can change religious beliefs and behavior, but also reveal the need for social stability, interconnectedness of society, fair arrangement between rulers and workers. Pandemics have led to the development of hygiene, medicine and the industrial revolution in general. All epidemics have shifted society towards cooperation and improved the quality of life of the community. Even in this epidemic we can expect changes in this direction. Here I would like to quote Carl Sagan:

Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.”

What challenges is the pandemic presenting us with?

The pandemic showed differences in the efficiencies of the solutions various systems have utilized. Totalitarian regimes that were able to impose an immediate curfew, separated children from their parents, or even let whole families starve, got the virus spread under control more quickly… So called free, western countries are up against the challenges of their own way of being… It looks like the freedoms that we enjoy in democratic countries are a disadvantage in this case, so we will have to reach a compromise between security and some of the freedoms losses if we want to win over the virus. We can expect greater interconnection of technologies and electronic monitoring such as smart quarantines and the like. But in the US, people are already afraid of government monitoring, reluctant to provide their phone number or address. So we are facing a big unknown in this direction, no one really knows what the future will bring. The world will change, for sure, but whether better or for worse cannot be said at this time, because history is a process that flows beyond good and evil.

But it is certain that delusional beliefs, conspiracy theories, or misleading religious ideas sometimes complicate the course of convalescence more than the virus itself. 

For manipulations who use various -isms, mass solutions, or fundamentalist religious ideologies epidemics are a psychological breeding ground. Emphasis on education, self-knowledge are the most important antidotes against the decline of humanity. Carl Jung’s words have not lost their validity today:

“We need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger that exists is man himself. He is the great danger. And we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of man … far too little. His psyche should be studied — because we are the origin of all coming evil.”

“Thanks to” the pandemic, scientists, doctors and economists have regained their respect. But new conspiracy theories emerged too. What makes people still want to create those and follow them even more passionately?

The human desire to understand reality and to attach meaning to it is instinctive and related to consciousness. Mythologies and ritual behavior tell of an ancient effort to understand the meaning of life. Conspiracy theories could be considered as attempts to decipher the hidden laws of reality. They typically arise when a force of reality begins to deviate from the ideas we hold about the world.

In times of crisis, dark imago dei, cruel images of reality emerge, with it an urge to produce some acceptable explanations. Conspiracy theories, like religions, satisfy the desire for meaning, order, and express the will to control that order. From a psychological perspective, we can understand conspiracy theories as religious theories of sui generis, through which the ego copes with the painful or inexplicable vicissitudes of life. The less I am willing and able to be conscious of negative emotions and relate to them, the more power the conspiracy fantasies gain. Conspiracy theories are defensive fantasy constructs that falsify reality through which ego can experience a sense of relief from anxiety and other otherwise dissociating affects. They give conspirators a sense of personal power and control over reality. In a way they allow redirection of aggression, hatred and other socially censored emotions into the “theory,” enabling them thus to better manage the heaviness of life. It is the disintegration of traditional religious systems in secular societies that created a new realm for their emergence. You can read more on this topic in the article Dark Religion and Conspiracy Theories, An Analytical Viewpoint.

How do the Americans, or specifically Wisconsinites, react to Trump’s initial denial of the now harsh reality? 

The majority of the people respect the government orders. People have reduced their work and business, working from home if possible. But even here, America’s ideological divisions are manifested and many Trump followers do not trust the media and still believe his statements when he completely underestimated the seriousness of the epidemic. Trump has so far spread fictional quasi-scientific theories, refusing to wear a face mask, and encourages people to form their own opinions based on “gut feelings.” However, with the rise of the sick and dead, Trump’s popularity gradually declines. There is no doubt that his narcissistic approach does not help in a crisis, quite the contrary. He is internally divided and projects his internal conflict to the nation. He does not wish to unite Americans, he speaks only to his loyal part of the population – the part that mirrors him and that embodies the nostalgic vision of a Christian-fundamental, white, self-centered, fearful, nationalist and patriarchal country. Now he exploits pandemic and he is using it to further his sociopathic agenda of division and conflict. By its very nature, the United States will never be truly united politically and ideologically. The tough dialectical dialogue of opposites so typical for America is a source of progress and prevents one-sidedness, but Trump legitimizes irrational attitudes that divide opposites to the brink of dangerous conflict. By promoting the opening of the economy, lockdown, opposed the governors who ordered the proven social distance, he opened Pandora’s box, which most likely would not be closed by a rational dialogue.

But you are saying that Trump’s popularity is declining as the number of deaths increases…

In the article Donald Trump in the Mirror that I wrote for Vesmir, I expressed the opinion that Trump managed to appeal to his followers through rather “primitive” emotions of fear, anger and the feelings of entitlement. These emotions are now being projected onto “enemies,” such as migrants, foreigners, Hispanics, African-Americans, Democrats, environmentalists…you name it. Trump managed to awaken an authoritarian and nationalist instinct: on the one hand he puts himself in the role of savior and on the other hand he diverts attention from reality. Republicans have feared “socialism,” since McCarthy’s post-war era, and therefore remain stuck in magical thinking that Trump’s medicine will miraculously get them out of the crisis. Trump did not invent the division of society, but he is awakening old skeletons in the closets. He was able to evoke and legitimize “forbidden” emotions, which gave many people a sense of relief and an illusion of power. At the same time, they have trapped them like in a cult. Sticking to a leader can be compared to drug addiction, it is a variation of Stockholm’s abused person’s syndrome. Thus, his popularity may decline in proportion to the decline of power that Trump is now able to convey to Americans. The qualities that have brought him to power can turn into a catalyst of a fall in a crisis. In therapy of addictions, we commonly observe this enantiodromia brought about by exhaustion and crisis.

Thus far, we count mainly direct victims of coronavirus, sick, dead. Unexpected dramas also take place in isolation, in quarantine, behind closed doors. Will there be an unexpected amount of divorce, or a babyboom, or both when the pandemic subsides?

It depends on the entrance conditions. The crisis can have a very positive effect on relatively stable families. After the initial phase, an adaptation can take place, where people learn how to utilize neglected resources. This is a desirable aspect of the introversion mentioned earlier. Those families may now have more time to communicate, they are forced to solve problems without running away, now they have to focus more on themselves. They can use that unexpected time and space to develop creativity and tame their inferior cognitive functions. It is most important right now to accept one’s own emotions and feelings, whether it is fear, anger, hopelessness, and so on and to form a conscious relationship with them. And it’s happening, I’m already seeing it with my clients. Creative activity, the observation and relation to our dreams, the humor, the daily routine connected with physical movement, keeping the mindfulness of each other in a strained conditions, those are proven to be very beneficial attitudes these days.

Unfortunately, not all relationships, families are stable…

In families with unstable, predisposed individuals, or in families where there is domestic violence, trauma, the situation is quite the contrary. The crisis and forced isolation increase aggression in some people, and abused partners, especially in socially and economically impacted families, are even more dependent on the tyrant. We are seeing an increase of incest, suicide, bipolar disorders, but also psychotic breakdowns in people with predispositions and lose inner organization. For many people the situation during a pandemic is deteriorating.

And with respect to the baby boom: in times of economic instability, fertility usually declines, on the other hand, during crisis, sexual instinct increases with aggression. The resulting figures will probably be broken down by economic and social status. In any rate, all the effects will be felt later, for example the unemployment is a strong risk factor for depression and suicide. On the other hand, to mention something positive, the work related accidents and the number of car accidents have dropped significantly.

Are we now a part of an unplanned social experiment, as Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari put it?

Harari is a very intuitive thinker. He is probably right that in times of uncertainty and fear, the powerful will try to consolidate their positions and gain additional tools of manipulation. But the Homo Sapiens experiment has been happening continuously. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, Europe was ruled by religious fanatics, during a great crisis Hitler seized power, after the war the Communists… We must not fall for naiveté and, even in difficult times, we must carry the torch of the Greek ideals of democracy and freedom of human spirit. But we must not succumb to paranoia either, because that is precisely the way to losing our freedoms. The cure for paranoia is individuation, i.e. self-knowledge and at the same time acceptance of reality, with everything that it entails!

How is the current situation manifested in your practice? Do you have cases that are directly related to the pandemic?

Clinics have been experiencing an enormous increase in new patients interest in therapy. This is related not only to physical and social isolation and to the anxiety from the unknown, but it is also related also to the loss of work, or fear of impending childbirth but also the death of loved ones. The crisis affects all my existing clients. We are all going through the change. It depends on our conscious attitude how much we will benefit from this change, and whether SARS-CoV-2 will be a gift or a curse.

This interview originally appeared in Vesmír Magazine. It was translated from Czech to English by Vladislav Šolc.

Vladislav Šolc, MS, ICS is a Licensed Professional Psychotherapist who provides individual, group, couples and family therapy (counseling and psychotherapy) in Whitefish Bay (Milwaukee and Glendale, Wisconsin, WI 53217). Vlado accepts clients speaking English, Czech, Polish or Slovak language. He holds advanced training credentials as a Diplomate Jungian Psychoanalyst, Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor and Independent Clinical Supervisor. Vlado received his training in Europe and US: Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Association for Analytical Psychology, Brno, Czech Republic, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. The therapeutic process is a true art, and Vlado’s therapeutic approach begins where the client is at, and he incorporates an integrative and holistic approach to help attain the client’s potentials. He weaves together different therapeutic approaches, depending on the unique needs of the client. Always with the goal of respecting the dignity of the client, and providing a comfortable and confidential setting in which healing can occur. Vlado specializes on the treatment of depression, anxiety, sleep problems,  interpersonal  conflicts. His focus includes psycho-spiritual crisis and spirituality (loss of life’s meaning and direction), mind-body connection (psychosomatic issues), immigration and cultural issues (displacement from home country and grief), women empowerment and emancipation. His specialties also include treatment of addictions and marital psychotherapy with adult, and youth populations. Vlado is also involved in art and creative process and is author of several depth psychology-oriented books: Psyche, Matrix, Reality; Father’s ArchetypeIn the Name of God: Psychological Roots of Fanaticism, and most recently Dark Religion: Fundamentalism from the Perspective of Jungian Psychology.

Links: Vlado Solc’s Website | Vlado Solc’s Lectures Available on the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago Website


  • Jung, C., G., The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairytales, CW 9i, (1945/1948), Princeton University Press.
  • Jung, C. G., 1969. Psychology and Religion: West and East. Volume 11. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Merritt, D,: The Dairy Farmers Guide to the Universe: Jung, Hermes, and Ecopsychology, (2012), Sheridan, Wyoming: Fisher King Press.
  • Sagan, C., Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space, (1994), Ballantines Books.
  • Šolc, V., and George J. D., (2018), Dark Religion: Fundamentalism from the Perspective of Jungian Psychology. Ashville, NC: Chiron Publications
  • Šolc, V., Dark Religion and Conspiracy Theories, An Analytical Viewpoint, (2020), Taylor & Francis.

Koronavirus: Boží, nebo ďáblův dar?

Svět zachvátila pandemie covid-19. A zastihla lidstvo nepřipravené, přes všechny zkušenosti v minulosti. Co se děje se společností, s každým člověkem v této zvláštní době? „Od malého viru přicházejí velké otázky,“ zamýšlí se Vladislav Šolc, psycholog a psychoterapeut žijící v americkém Wisconsinu.

Motto: „Velký plán, na kterém je postaven nevědomý život psýché, je pro naše pochopení tak nepřístupný, že nikdy nebudeme vědět, jaká úroveň zla je nutná k tomu, abychom vyprodukovali enantiodromií dobro, a které dobro může zase vést ke zlu.“ 

Co to dnes zažíváme, můžete to popsat?

Uplynulo zhruba sto let od poslední velké pandemie španělské chřipky, která propukla v roce 1918 a která si vyžádala padesát, možná až sto miliónů obětí po celém světě. I přes její katastrofální dosahy trvalo Světové zdravotnické organizaci dalších třicet let, než vytvořila koordinovaný systém detekce a prevence globálních epidemii. Včasný zásah zřejmě zabránil většímu šíření pozdějších respiračních epidemii jako singapurské chřipky v roce 1957, hongkongské v roce 1968 a později v roce 2009 mexické prasečí chřipky. Koordinovaná spolupráce vlád a nevládních organizací dokázala předejít rozmachu eboly, či výrazně zmírnit dopady klasické chřipky, malárie, nebo viru zika. Nicméně přesto epidemie COVID-19 zastihla lidstvo nepřipravené.

Čím to je?

Virus má relativně dlouhou inkubační dobu, průměrně pět až šest dní s rozsahem až dva týdny, vysokou nakažlivost a u mnoha nakažených probíhá bezpříznakově nebo velmi mírně, v tom je jeho nebezpečnost. Přestože zabíjí relativně velmi málo ­ v porovnání třeba s dýmějovým morem, který ve 14.století vyhladil třicet až šedesát procent tehdejší evropské populace, ale i s nemocí SARS, pandemií viru H1N1 a MERS, které se vynořily v letech 2003, 2009, 2012 ­ dokáže narušit i stabilní ekonomiky. Až na pár výjimek v Pacifiku, jako je Tchajwan, Nový Zéland nebo Jižní Korea, vyspělé státy, pyšnící se vědou a vyspělými technologiemi, byly zaskočeny, ne-li pokořeny. Tato krize ukázala, jak je důležitá příprava na možnou globální nákazu a jak je nebezpečné, když se věda nebere vážně. Velice rychle přišlo vystřízlivění z velikášských hollywoodských fantazií, které nás utvrzovaly v tom, jak jsme připraveni na biologické války nebo invazi mimozemšťanů. Příroda a covid-19 nám přinesl nevyhnutelnou konfrontaci s realitou.

Jak vidíte tuto konfrontaci coby psycholog?

Z psychologického hlediska mluvíme o konfrontaci s naším stínem. Stín neboli to, co je nám vlastní, ale čeho si nejsme vědomi, co si nechceme připustit, odmítáme či zlehčujeme, nepřestane existovat ­ ale působí nechtěně, vytváří nečekané změny. A tyto změny nás pak mohou nejen překvapit, ale i probudit. Párty skončila, číšník přinesl účtenku. To, co jsme zanedbávali a zlehčovali, se najednou pod tíhou ztrát, a nakonec tváří v tvář smrti najednou vyjeví jako reálné. Staří Řekové učili, že pýchu (hybris) následuje stud či hanba (aischyné), tedy svízelné střetnutí s utrpením, které vědomí jinak přirozeně odštěpuje. Pýchu trestala Nemesis, bohyně spravedlivého údělu. Lpění na fantaziích, že všechno máme pod kontrolou, se teď velice rychle kompenzuje bolestivým uvědoměním našich limitů. SARS-CoV-2 nastavil zrcadlo našemu narcistnímu přesvědčení, že jsme pány přírody, aby nám ukázal, že jsme její součástí. Tato kompenzace je všepřítomný přírodní proces, jehož cílem je znovunastolení rovnováhy.

Carl Gustav Jung ji chápe jako základní nástroj psychického růstu. Lidstvo teď jako celek zažívá fenomén kompenzace, když nemá jinou možnost než kreativně reagovat na nový stav jak na vnější, tak na vnitřní, emocionální úrovni. Teď jsme chtě-nechtě nuceni k introverzi ­ obrácení pozornosti dovnitř. Pro obyvatele asijských zemí, kde je meditace součástí života, je to jednodušší než pro lidi ze Západu.

Vice zde: Koronavirus: Boží, nebo ďáblův dar?

Ode to COVID-19

Sit Covid bonus aut malus: quaestiō

Oh, you mighty and yet invisible, you weightless and yet so powerful.
You oh came to gently remind us all that there’s no one who can control your will.
Your gentle yet deathly stroke became the mankind’s school,
Teaching us all how to feel, how to love, and also how to chill.

You slowed the time and made us be with those whom we always felt most free,
You showed us “now,” you showed us “here,” all we always craved
Gratitude, humility, what matters and how our souls are to be saved!

Perhaps by showing you know no borders, have no race nor gender,
By your mortal tap making rich and poor even,
You could take more, but you’re generous and tender...
Our pride took the Earth for granted, we asked no “what” but only “when!”

We thought the health insurance was a privilege that protects us from those who cannot have it,
We thought some of us had special right just due to a special religion,
You’ve gently shown us how silly it was to think that some of us are immune from your hit.
Now, when powerless and in your prison, we acknowledge yours is timing, the scope and region!

You teach us that nature is us indeed; no, we are not her masters, but tiny children... that all we are just dust in the wind.
Your mighty wisdom has conveyed that truth matters because there’s no talking out the losses away.
Waking up this way... remembering the lessons... seeing connections... and inevitably getting your hint.
Now we see we lost the respect for animals and waters, and plants. The power of action rather than that of prayer.

Oh, how you teach us to appreciate a touch, a smell, a hug, sitting by the table with friends, sharing a meal.
You tenderly show us ourselves in the mirror of our own loneliness
Oh you reveal to us the power of togetherness, so missed... now, when alone we kneel.
You brought ourselves back to us, inside our own temples, our holiness.

Who knew you would unite us all, call us back to the human race?
In this collective introversion now we see the light of truth and mean darkness of lies.
Yes, to contemplate, to ponder the meaning, to find those those treasures you gave us space.
We even stopped smoking, and got global warming, many of us just opened our eyes.

Some say you are evil, some say you just are, some are trying to blame you for all that we’ve done.
From pain comes revival, wisdom from cry, it is only the dark night that gives meaning to the Sun.
Your tiny omnipresence, your intelligent law enforcement puzzles everyone.
Is this your way of showing where right and wrong are bound?
Is this how you reveal how the universe is run?

Vlado Solc

Online Therapy

Hereby I would like to announce that during the time of social distancing due to coronavirus (COVID -19) I have not ceased providing therapy. I am offering individual and couples' therapy online or by phone. I am also offering study groups and discussions via Zoom.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Thank you and sincerely, Vlado

Coronavirus COVID 19 Psychology

These are good insights that may come out of corona virus infections. People may realize:

- Health insurance for all protects us ALL
- Rich people cannot be rich without everybody being well
- Paid sick leave is a noble idea that keeps societies healthy
- Smoking is not a good idea, keep your lungs strong.
- Air pollution is a problem
- Taking care of our planet has to be a humanity, team effort
- Science is not a hoax, rationality and reason are bedrocks of survival
- Dividing nation based on politics makes virus spread faster
- Lying and blaming corona virus on other political (like Trump does) party helps the virus
- Eating meat and treating animals without love increases chances for getting infected with viruses
- Love and compassion are supreme tools in the times of anxiety
- Love trumps hate and true religion is based on truth
- A deep value of friendship and sacrifice

Démétér a Persefoné; sestup do nevědomí

Přednáška - Deprese - Vlado Šolc

Přednáška pro veřejnost:


Depresia, kreatívna kríza a hľadanie nového zmyslu Z pohľad  u hlbinnej psychológie, sú depresia a úzkosť pokusmi duše o nájdenie nového zmyslu. Sú rečou, ktorej najprv nerozumieme. Aby došlo k transformácii, ku zmene osobnosti, staré spôsoby života musia zomrieť. Nie však telo, ale ego, koncepty a predstavy, ktoré stratili schopnosť nás urobiť šťastnými. Strata energie a vášne k životu môžu niekedy viesť k suicidálnym fantáziám, alebo aj činom. Depresia je nielen krízou a neurózou, ale zároveň aj výzvou ku kreatívnemu znovuzrodeniu. Zmena postoja k depresii a hľadanie jej symbolického významu je prvým krokom k jej liečbe.


Mgr. Vlado Šolc, Jungovský analytik, psychoterapeut a supervízor. Pôsobí v Glendale, Wisconsin a v Chicagu, Illinois. Výcvik v analytickej psychológii absolvoval na Jungovom inštitúte v Chicagu. Je autorom hlbinne orientovaných kníh Ve jménu Boha, Fanatismus v pojetí hlubinné psychologie, Archetyp otce a iné hlbinné psychologické štúdie, Psyché Matrix Realita, Dark Religion.

Pátek 28.2. 2020 | 17:00 – 19:30

historická Budova Kláštera Emauzy, Praha, Vyšehradská 49 

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The Feminine as Savior of the World: My Experience of the film Terminator: Dark Fate

Sex and God seem to be themes I see everywhere these days. The reconciliation of these seeming opposites happens to be the focus of my research in fact. I look forward to telling you more about that soon as I complete the final work to secure my PhD, say Deborah Lukovich: The Feminine as Savior of the World: My Experience of the film Terminator: Dark Fate

New book addresses religious fundamentalism and fanaticism

Two Jungian psychoanalysts, Vladislav Solc and George J. Didier, have written a
new book exploring the psychological causes and dynamics of religious fanaticism: Dark
Religion: Fundamentalism from the Perspective of Jungian Psychology (2018). Their indepth psychological analysis explores what happens when a person is possessed by the
unconscious energies of the Self, what has been called the numinous or the Holy. These
energies can possess a person for good or bad..
Radical fundamentalism is a burning issue in our world. It provides the supposed
rational and inspiration for what might be judged as un-religious acts of violence.
Extreme fanatical religion has produced conflicts that have exaggerated cultural clashes,
violent acts of aggression, religious wars, and international terrorism and genocide. These
are often committed “in the name of God.” The fundamentalists hide behind their own
literalized images of God as if they have absolute knowledge of the will or identity of
We see the rise in fundamentalism in the growth of the Christian evangelical right
in America (Religious Right, Moral Majority, the Tea Party), the rise of Islamic
fundamentalism with the Iranian revolution and the Islamic doctrine of Wahhabism, and
the modern Jewish fundamentalism in the state of Israel as it becomes an apartheid nation
rather than a liberal democracy. Religious fundamentalism has combined political with
religious goals. We are familiar with acts of aggression committed in the name of God by
fanatical religion: the jihadist movements, ISIS building on archetypal religious ideas
such as paradise on earth. Osama bin Laden was a religious fanatic. In some parts of the
world, women are stoned for infidelity and other acts.
An example of religious extremism can be found closer to home in the radical
anti-abortion activist who said he was acting in the name of God in killing Dr. George
Tiller for providing abortions. There are many gurus, priests, politicians, spiritual leaders
who are idealized and take advantage of uncritical followers. The religiously motivated
massacres at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburg and in Christchurch, New Zealand
are tragic examples of violence in the name of religion.
This book reflects on the dynamics of fundamentalism through the insights of C.G.
Jung’s depth psychology. There are many short clinical vignettes which bring theory into
practice. There was a patient who grew up in a fundamentalist environment hearing, “You
cannot question God!,” “Being angry is a sin.”He sought therapy for his unconfined
angry outbursts. Another sad story was when a fundamentalist was asked what he could
learn from science. His response was, “Nothing. I am a Christian. I have all the
The authors are careful to remind the reader of the vulnerability, fear, anxiety, and
fragility the fundamentalist experiences in the face of change, doubt, and critical
thinking. They remind the reader of the importance of healthy religious institutions and
communities which have the spiritual tools to help us discover deeper religious meanings
through worship, prayer, and ritual practices which contain powerful numinous energies
for the transformation of personality and culture.
The authors argue for a more humble attitude when we talk about religion. There
is a need for us to tell our experiences of religion but respect the “otherness” of another
person’s experience and understanding. We should be careful of religious grandiosity
which might protect us from our own suffering, doubts, and from the deeper Self
emerging from valuing paradox, imagination, conflict, and emerging novelty in religious
experience and understanding.
This book is a scholarly investigation of religion which is thoughtful, readable,
comprehensive, and contemporary in its concerns. It may not appeal to the true believers
locked in dogmatism, literalization, and concrete thinking, incapable of appreciating a
more symbolic and imaginal reading of their sacred scriptures. However, this is an
important work for serious students of psychology, religion, and spirituality. Dark
religion should be a concern to all of us in our churches, temples, mosques, and also our
families, places of public discourse, and political platforms.

David J. Dalrymple, Ph.D., is affiliate minister of the Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Charleston, a pastoral psychotherapist and Jungian psychoanalyst, and
has been adjunct faculty in Religious Studies at Marshall University.

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